Amendment to the Terms and Conditions

business corporations


with registered office at Charvátova 1988/3, 110 00 Prague 1

identification number: 086 49 162

a company registered in the public register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, section H, insert 2292
for the sale of goods through an on-line shop located on the Internet at ,

Contact e-mail:

    1. This Appendix builds on Article III. III of the Terms and Conditions of NATURAMEDICIN SE and regulates the rights and obligations of those interested in membership in Club NATURAMEDICIN and members of Club NATURAMEDICIN.
    2. Club NATURAMEDICIN presents a direct sales system that is very simple and clear. If you become a member of Club NATURAMEDICIN, you will have the opportunity to create your own network of club partners and customers and earn rewards from this activity.
    3. Club NATURAMEDICIN is operated and administered by a data controller, which is NATURAMEDICIN SE (hereinafter referred to as the "Controller"). The Controller manages the databases of personal data of club members and customers for the purpose of fulfilling their requests regarding ordering and assisted changes to customer account data.
    4. The controller of personal data of customers and members of the club is NATURAMEDICIN SE, ID No.: 086 49 162 with registered office at Charvátova 1988/3, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic. Contact details:, mobile +420773574811.
    1. A natural or legal person who sells NATURAMEDICIN SE products as an entrepreneur can become a member of Club NATURAMEDICIN.
    2. The applicant for membership in Club NATURAMEDICIN must be a holder of the relevant public authorization of the state in which he/she will operate his/her business (trade) on the date of sending the application for membership in the club.
    3. The business (trade) activity of a club member consists of selling NATURAMEDICIN SE products and registering new customers in order to receive rewards and bonuses resulting from the Compensation Plan.
    4. Anyone interested in joining the club (e.g. a buyer) is required to pay a membership fee in the amount specified in the membership application. This means purchasing a membership in the company's e-shop.
    5. The administrator checks the completeness of the application for membership in Club NATURAMEDICIN and the fulfilment of other conditions that must be fulfilled to be accepted as a member of the club. The Administrator has the right to reject an application for membership in the Club or suspend membership in the Club at any time without giving any reason.
    6. If the Administrator approves the application for membership in Club NATURAMEDICIN, it will send the prospective member a confirmation of the club membership and assign a unique identifier to the member.
    7. Membership in the club is inherited.
    1. During the entire period of membership in the club, the club member is obliged to have the relevant public authorization of the country in which he/she carries out his/her business activity consisting in the sale of NATURAMEDICIN SE products and customer registration.
    2. The club member has the possibility to sell selected goods in the NATURAMEDICIN SE portfolio to customers through his/her unique identifier or through the unique identifier of those club members who have become club members through him/her, i.e. on the basis of a request addressed to the club member.

Right to commission

  1. For each item sold using a unique identifier, the Club Member is entitled to a commission under the terms and conditions set out below or as determined by the Administrator in the Compensation Plan. The current Compensation Plan is stored in the BackOffice application.
  2. Entitlement to the commission arises upon full payment of the ordered goods. The right to the commission expires in the proportion in which the purchase contract for the ordered goods is withdrawn, a discount or other reduction or cancellation of the purchase price is applied. The price of the product or service, excluding value added tax and other public charges, is decisive for the determination of the commission.
  3. The commission for a given calendar month is due no later than the last day of the month following the month for which the commission is due. The payment of the commission is subject to its settlement in accordance with generally binding legal regulations. The Administrator shall provide the documents for the commission settlement to the Club Member no later than the 15th day of the calendar month following the month for which the commission is due, via the Club Member's BackOffice account.
  4. The Club Member shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any costs or expenses incurred in connection with the exercise of the Club Member's authority, other than the Commission.

Other rights and obligations of a club member

  1. Upon approval of his membership application, the club member will receive a registration kit with food supplement and office facilities - BackOffice in PC and mobile application for his activities.
  2. The club member has the right to build a tribe structure of new customers and club members, which he registers directly under himself and receives a commission from the first, second and third line of his customers and club members and the opportunity to broker the sale of products for a fee and thus build his distribution chain.
  3. The responsibility and costs associated with establishing and complying with the public law conditions for the conduct of business (trade activities) shall be borne solely by the club member.
  4. A club member may not and has no right to act on behalf of NATURAMEDICIN SE.
  5. A member of the club always acts for himself/herself and bears full legal responsibility for his/her actions.
  6. A member of the club is obliged to comply with the laws of the countries in which it conducts its business activities.
  7. A member of the Club is obliged to maintain confidentiality during and after his/her membership of the Club of all facts of which he/she becomes aware in connection with his/her membership of the Club and which are not publicly available, i.e. in particular all production, delivery, pricing, operational, organisational, commercial and other information relating to the activities and position of the Administrator.
  8. A club member is obliged to take care of the good name of the Administrator, to refrain from any actions that could damage this name or disclose information about which he is obliged to maintain confidentiality and other actions that could cause harm to the Administrator.
  9. The Club Member is obliged to notify the Administrator without undue delay of any facts that are significant for the proper operation of the Administrator, customer care, preservation of the reputation of the Administrator or from which he could be threatened with harm.
  10. A club member is obliged to maintain confidentiality of all personal data disclosed to him/her in connection with his/her membership in the club or to which he/she otherwise gains access, unless their further disclosure to third parties is necessary for the performance of contractual or legal obligations of the club member. 
  11. The club member undertakes to process personal data obtained in connection with his/her membership in the club in accordance with generally binding regulations, in particular Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation"). In particular, the Club Member undertakes to process personal data in accordance with the principles set out in the Regulation and to take appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk of misuse of personal data. The Club Member undertakes to oblige any other processor of personal data to do the same. The Club Member is obliged to delete or otherwise permanently remove all personal data obtained in connection with his/her membership of the Club without undue delay after the grounds for processing the data have ceased to exist, unless a specific law provides otherwise or unless there is another legal basis for further processing of the personal data concerned.
  12. The member is obliged to pay the annual membership fee set by NATURAMEDICIN SE. By paying the annual membership fee, the club member retains the status of active member and can continue to build his/her network.
  13. Each member of the club must renew his/her membership with the one-year anniversary of his/her contract, by paying the annual membership fee. If he renews his membership, he can continue to build his network. If he/she does not renew his/her membership, he/she loses the possibility to build his/her membership network and cannot receive renewals from the membership network he/she has built. He moves to customer status.
  14. If a club member fails to pay the annual renewal fee on time and pays it after the one-year anniversary date, he/she shall be re-registered as a club member. However, he loses his established network. He is registered directly under NATURAMEDICIN SE or the club member who registered him.
  15. The annual membership fee must be paid no later than two days prior to the anniversary date of the member's admission to the club.
  16. The Administrator reserves the right not to remind club members to renew their membership.

Customer registration

  1. Customers are registered by the club member using their unique identifier. The registration itself is carried out by the Administrator. The Administrator reserves the right not to register a customer.
  2. If the customer has not ordered NATURAMEDICIN SE products for more than 12 consecutive months, the registration may be invalidated.
  3. You can also cancel your registration by sending a cancellation request to A customer's account cancelled on the basis of their request cannot be reinstated.
  4. Customer registration may also be cancelled by unilateral action of the Administrator if there is a violation of the principles on which the NATURAMEDICIN Club and the Compensation Plan are built or if the customer's registration threatens the legitimate interests of the Administrator. A Customer's account cancelled under this provision cannot be reinstated.
  5. The Controller manages the following personal data of the club member:
    1. Name
    2. Last name
    3. Company name
    4. Date of birth/ID number/ID number
    5. Mobile phone number
    6. Billing Address/Delivery Address
    7. E-mail address
    8. Bank account number and bank coordinates
    9. Password:


    1. Membership in the NATURAMEDICIN club is terminated:
      1. at any time upon a member's request to cancel membership sent to,
      2. failure to pay the annual membership fee by the due date,
      3. in the event that no NATURAMEDICIN SE product has been sold using the Club Member ID for more than 12 consecutive months,
      4. unilateral action by the Administrator if there is a violation of the principles on which the NATURAMEDICIN Club and the Compensation Plan are built, a breach of a Club Member's duty, or if the registration and/or activities of a Club Member threaten the legitimate interests of the Administrator.
    2. A club member will lose his/her established network of customers and club members upon termination of membership.
    3. In the event of termination of membership under (a), (b) and (d), the termination of membership shall be irreversible.
    4. Club members whose membership has lapsed under (c) may reapply for membership. The Administrator may, at the request of such a Club member, renew the existing network of customers and Club members, but there is no legal entitlement to such renewal.
    5. A Club member whose membership has lapsed is obliged to return to the Administrator all materials received from the Administrator in connection with his membership in the Club for the purpose of his activities and, if their nature does not allow it, to destroy or not to distribute them and not to make them available to third parties.
    1. The wording of this Addendum may be amended or supplemented by the Administrator. This provision shall be without prejudice to the rights and obligations arising during the period of effectiveness of the previous version of the Addendum. If a Club Member does not agree to a change to the Addendum, he or she may always request that his or her membership in the Club be terminated. If he fails to do so within 30 days of the date of publication of the new version of the Addendum, there shall be an irrebuttable legal presumption that he wishes to retain his membership in the Club and his rights and obligations shall be governed by the new version of the Addendum from the effective date of the new version.
    2. Other rights and obligations of the Club Member, including any additional remuneration and the terms of payment thereof, are set out in the Compensation Plan. In the event of a conflict between the arrangements set out in this Appendix and the Compensation Plan, this Appendix shall prevail.
    3. The Administrator has the ability to change the Compensation Plan at any time. An amendment to the Compensation Plan is effective as of the time of publication or the date specified therein. Relationships arising before the effective date of the amendment to the Compensation Plan shall be governed by the text of the Compensation Plan in effect at the time the legal relationship governed thereby arose.
    4. In the event of a discrepancy in the translation of the language versions, the version in the Czech language is valid.

        Prague, 1 May 2023


          Bohuslav Větrovský

         Member of the Board of Directors

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